Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Rush

Welcome Tributes.  The task before you is great, and many of you will die.  But your death will hopefully inspire even more deaths for MCTheWalls in the future.  Please read the following carefully if you’re going to be a part of the new Walls Music Video.

Click to watch a live stream:

Having trouble getting on the server?

Because we had so many volunteers we are going to have to let some of you help with a couple scenes, and then let the rest of you do a couple after that.  So if you didn’t get whitelisted at the start, just hang out & watch the stream for a bit.  After we get a couple takes boophis will close the server, and make a NEW whitelist to get the rest of you involved.  It will take boophis 10-20 minutes to restart then make a new list when it gets to that point.

If myself or one of my Team Leaders notices that you are really laggy, we might unwhitelist you. If your connection is going to make you jump around even more than MCTheWalls already makes most players unfortunately it won’t be beneficial to the video.  Sorry.  I’m going to have one of my friends on Skype on each of the teams.  They can help with communication & assist with any prep work that might need done.  Please listen when they tell you something.  They will only be trying to help you.

How this will work.
During the filming process I’m going to be in a Skype call with some good friends.  I can’t have EVERYONE in the video in the call at the same time because that would be chaos. So, to aid in communicating with everyone I asked nyancat900 to stream the recording process.  He will be in the Skype call, so everyone will be able to hear me give directions.  Unfortunately there will be a delay, so I’ll also have to use the in game chat to let people know when to start & stop for each scene.

The process will probably be like this.  I set up the scene, hand people the supplies they need, then I’ll explain what I want them to do in the stream.  After I know you’ve caught up with the daley I’ll probably say “Action” or something in the chat.  And from there you carry out your role until I use the chat to say “Cut”.  There will be A LOT of waiting around.  It can get a little dull, but try to stay focused & not go afk.

I mentioned that I’ll hand out supplies (and boophis)...so there is no need for anyone to mine or build.  After you spawn in your biome, you should just meet at the middle corner & wait.  If you go around mining & goofing off you risk getting killed before we even start filming.  This would waste a lot of time because there is no respawn, I have to have boophis restart the server every time we screw up or need another take.  I’m very grateful for the help that you guys & the administrators are giving me to film this...so I really don’t want to waste peoples time if I can help it.  People can & will be removed from the whitelist if they are a problem.

Roles For Rush:
Team 1:
Player 1:  You are to rush the middle and attempt to kill anyone you see.
(iron chest plate, leather pants, leather hat, stone sword)
Player 2:  You are to rush the middle and attempt to kill anyone you see.
(iron pants, leather boots, gold sword)
Player 3:  You are to rush the middle and attempt to kill anyone you see.
(FULL iron armor, iron sword, 4 wolf eggs, stack of bones) (don't mate the wolves...4 is all you get)
Player 4: You are to rush the middle and attempt to kill anyone you see.
(knockback stick)
This team is made up of noobs if you couldn’t tell...but they will go down fighting.

Team 2:
Player 1:  You are to enderpearl on top of the diamonds & start mining them all.
(FULL iron armor, iron sword, iron pick, enderpearls)
Player 2:  You are to rush the middle and attempt to mine the diamonds from the bottom. Don’t go after anyone, go right for the diamonds & only fight back if you are attacked.  Run from the middle IF and after you get the diamonds.
(FULL iron armor, iron sword, iron pick)
Player 3:  You are to rush the middle and attempt to kill anyone you see.
(FULL iron armor, iron sword, bow, 8 arrows)
Player 4:  You are to rush the middle and attempt to kill anyone you see.
(FULL iron armor, iron sword, bow, 8 arrows)
Player 5:  You are to rush the middle and attempt to kill anyone you see.
(FULL iron armor, iron sword, bow, 8 arrows)
Player 6:  You are to rush the middle and attempt to kill anyone you see.
(FULL iron armor, iron sword, bow, 8 arrows)
Player 7:  You are to rush the middle and attempt to kill anyone you see.
(gold boots, lava bucket)

Team 3:
Player 1:  You are going to sit in a tiny skybase at the corner, and attempt to snipe anyone you see rushing with your flame bow.
(iron chest plate, iron pants, flame bow, regular bow, 16 arrows)
Player 2: You are going to sit in a tiny skybase at the corner, and attempt to snipe anyone you see rushing with your Power 2 bow)
(iron chest plate, iron pants, iron boots, power bow, regular bow, 16 arrows)
Player 3:  You are going to start in the tiny skybase, but immediately start bridging over to the diamonds to mine them.  If you fall off & don’t die...try to mine them from the ground.
(FULL iron armor, iron sword, iron pick)
Player 4:  You are to rush the middle and attempt to kill anyone you see.
(FULL iron armor, iron sword, bow, 8 arrows)
Player 5: You are to rush the middle and attempt to kill anyone you see.
(FULL gold armor, iron sword)

Team 4:
Player 1:  You are not interested in diamonds...you want blood. Kill everyone.
(FULL enchanted iron armor, enchanted iron sword, bow)
Player 2:  You are not interested in diamonds...you want blood. Kill everyone.
(FULL enchanted iron armor, enchanted iron sword, bow)
Player 3:  You are not interested in diamonds...you want blood. Kill everyone.
(FULL enchanted iron armor, enchanted iron sword, bow)
Player 4:  You are not interested in diamonds...you want blood. Kill everyone.
(FULL enchanted iron armor, enchanted iron sword, bow)
Player 5:  You are going to make a beeline for the trap to set it off.  You goal is to make a big boom, and then run from the chaos.
(FULL enchanted iron armor, iron pick,)

- DO NOT KILL LMAC77 normally I want you to, but in this scene he has a job to do & I need him to live long enough to complete his task.

- In most cases, when you are about to die you attempt to run & get away.  You can do that in this scene, but I want you to try to stay close to the middle while you’re on the run.  Here’s the general area I’d like you to be in:

- Please do not destroy stuff in your biome (aside from animals).  Sure in EVERY game of Walls you have floating trees, random holes & stuff like that...but for the music videos sake I’d like the biomes to look nice

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